
Monday, October 31, 2011

11-11-11 Energy Wave by Archangel Metatron

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 31-10-11
  I am Archangel Metatron, I send upon the wings of many angels unconditional love to surround, to protect, to energise and inspire your being. Let my love shower over you like thousands of pure white feathers cascading around you. Please know in your heart that I am here to support and guide you forward, you are secure in my energy and I will assist you in moving through processes of transition with ease.
The Earth has been entering and moving through major transitions but these transitions are stepping up in speed and intensity as we draw closer to the energetic landmark of 11-11-11. You may feel the energies powerfully even from the beginning of November right through to 2012 and beyond. You may notice two major shifts in energy that will gradually and smoothly come to a climax. From November the energies anchoring into the Earth will become finer and lighter, it will seem like a breath of fresh air, this may be recognised by everything flowing with a greater ease, as if joints have been oiled. This change in energy will build and enhance climaxing around the date of 11-11-11. You may then notice a new shift in energy which will activate on the 12thDecember 2011, will be increase on the 24th December 2011 and then will climax as the new year of 2012 begins. There will be many other activations and energy waves which will be ignited throughout the year of 2012 and beyond, these will be anchoring of a new foundation for the Era of Love and so will predominantly consist of different vibrations of love merged with other appropriate qualities. It is important to remember that when energies are anchored they are to activate energies and consciousness within your being. Activations allow you to understand more about the Creator's energy and to aid your unity with the Creator. The recognition of certain qualities is simply a process of exploration of the Creator's light to aid a further embodiment.
You may notice that the energy anchoring in November is very different to the sensations experienced when connecting with the energy shift beginning on or around the 12th December 2011. This is something to be aware of to ensure that you link into both energy shifts to accept the appropriate wisdom and consciousness from each. The first energy shift will be focused on empowerment while the second energy shift and activation will be focused upon love. It is through empowerment of the soul and truth within your being that you will awaken to experience and embody greater love.
11-11-11 will mark the climax of the new energy wave; this is an energy anchoring from the very source and soul of the Creator into the Earth but more importantly into each person upon the Earth. There is a larger percentage than ever before of energy programmed to anchor into people rather than the energy and consciousness of the Earth. This is a great achievement in itself as it signifies that humanity is ready to take responsibility for their own spiritual development, that change can and will come from within each person projected into the Earth's reality rather than influencing the Earth to jolt humanity into awakening.
As with all energy waves the 11-11-11 energy wave holds qualities from the Creator's soul to be embodied and enacted by humanity. These qualities are
·         Love from truth
·         Openness
·         Unity
·         Happiness
·         Empowerment
·          Embodiment
·         Sensitivity
·          Liberation
Each quality is held within the energy wave whenever you invoke its energies to flow over and through your being. By experiencing the energy wave you also activate the same qualities from within your being, meaning that if you have not yet mastered the lessons of each quality they will manifest into your reality to assist in your embodiment of the quality. Wisdom and insights will be shared with you from the energy wave concerning each quality so that you may hold, use and express the qualities more fully within your reality.
Lord Merlin stated in his communication that to him the 11-11-11 activation encourages a greater sensitivity to the soul or spiritual self. This understanding is true and is extremely valuable, as when all qualities are integrated as one, they will create a greater sensitivity to the soul. The quality of sensitivity encourages you to be more aware of energy, energetic patterns as well as the presence of your guides and soul. Sensitivity will also assist you in focusing upon your own energies, understanding what is needed and what needs to be release. The quality of liberation also speaks of the freedom that will be offered to your soul in its personal expression when you become more sensitive to your soul. Freedom also symbolises a clearing of energy. In the past a powerful cleansing energy has always been present within the energy waves but now only the energy of liberation is present to inspire a shift from limitations and illusions to freedom or peace within the mind and expansive energies. The freedom energy isn't present to cleanse but to inspire a shift to clarity and an acknowledgement of your limitless energy.
The quality of unity encourages the merging of humanity's consciousness and its transition from negativity to love. When beings of like mind begin to unite their energy and consciousness then consciousness and understandings that have been missing from your awareness or which have yet to be recognised will be acknowledged and will manifest once more for you to grasp and process. The quality of unity will not only help you to discover new consciousness, wisdom and insights which you have been searching for but it will assist in a greater respect and honour building for each and every person, active energy and soul upon the Earth. Respect and honour will build for the different understanding and beliefs that individual holds and an acknowledgement of how sacred each soul upon the Earth truly is. This will be a wonderful transition which may take time but will truly be ignited from the 11-11-11 energy wave.
With greater sensitivity to your soul it will be easier for you to embody your soul and even soul group as well as numerous aspects of the Creator's soul. This will empoweryour being and allow your soul to be the leader and guide in your reality. Focus upon the ego and personality as the main leader of your reality will be altered so that the soul can command predominant leadership of your being and reality. This may sound very forceful and may bring up fears of accepting power but your soul is now ready to come forward as a loving presence to lead you through your ascension. With the presence of your soul you will feel empowered, filled with enthusiasm, energy and active love, knowing that you can achieve anything that you project from your mind but it will be your soul that will inspire the minds projections. Some people may feel a fight within them as the desires of the personality may be very different to the desires of the soul. It is evident in this case that the quality of freedom is needed to allow you to detach from the desires of your personality, while the quality of unity is needed to aid you merge with your soul, respecting and honouring the wishes of your soul. After all your soul is connected with the will of the Creator; understanding the divine plan for your reality and journey on the Earth. You may notice as I am progressing with my explanation that it is difficult to describe the qualities individually as they are so integrated and are working to manifest sensitivity to and an empowerment of the soul. The fact that the qualities are so integrated indicates the tremendous growth that humanity has achieved, a belief in separation is vanishing and a desire for oneness and integration is manifesting. This is bringing forth the truth of the Creator with tremendous power.
The presence love is strongly evident within the 11-11-11 energy wave but this time it is brought forward as a love which extends from truth. This means that the love that you express must be born from truth and be expressed with truth. We see love as always being truthful and honest but in this new vibration of love, nothing can be hidden, be falsely expressed or misinterpreted. Love is required to be born from the truth within your soul, but truth must also manifest from love. Many people have learnt to love unconditionally, but now you are being asked to love from your truth. In order to achieve this there is a need to connect with the truth of your being exploring the energy and consciousness of your truth, allowing love to pour from this source within you. The quality and teaching of love from truth also symbolise the dissolving of illusions and false energy but could be interpreted to mean that your love will become wise. As you love expansively and unconditionally not only will you be sharing truth but you will be expression wisdom, your love will become your guiding light, even your inspiring mind. Out of all the qualities this quality requires much contemplation to discover its true meaning, this may be different for each individual.
The quality of openness refers to the heart chakra, there is a need for your heart chakra to continue to expand and remain open at all times in order for the love, wisdom and power of your being to be expressed with greater ease. When the heart chakra is able to remain open at all times, in positive and negative situations this manifests a tremendous strength and security within your being, it symbolises that you are aware of your power, how you can alter your reality through intention and alignment, allowing for greater self exploration and expansion.
Happiness could be considered an unusual energy to be anchored at this time of transition, but it is a gentle reminder from the Creator that the ascension process is a happy time; it is a time of fun, joy, contentment, delight and pleasure. We can adopt these qualities in our spiritual practices as they will allow our growth to accelerate tremendously. When we are happy, our mood is high, our energies light and we hold a positive outlook, and it is far easier for us to connect with the Creator on a deeper level from this vibration. The Creator wishes to remind us not to take our realities and growth too seriously as this only creates limitations and attachments hindering our awakening. Happiness is also considered an expression of connection with and an embodiment of the soul. It is a reminder that our greatest goal as spiritual beings is happiness, a happiness that flows from the soul, the truth and essence of our beings.
More information will be bought forward about the energy wave, its qualities and teachings, for now I extend my love and blessings to you, simply allow yourself to process the information that I have shared with you, contemplating how you may embody these qualities and how they will influence your reality.
With love always,
I am Archangel Metatron

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Message from the Arcturian Group October 30,2011

           OCTOBER 30, 2011

We are here dear ones, to again welcome you to a new day of change and transformation. Things on your beloved planet are heating up with regard to the old energy being transformed into new and better ways of serving the people;  by the people and for the people. This concept has been lost to many and is now returning as your growing light illumines its journey back into the human consciousness.  You have played the game long enough, it is time now to remember.  The journey of awakening while within the dark was a fine game--although often very traumatic and painful, but through its harsh lessons of separation you have journeyed to remembrance and to the recognition of what and who you are. The game was not meant to last forever. It is time now to let all that is old and finished release.

Many of you are experiencing pain and frustration within your physical and emotional bodies.  This is a part of the process; the clearing of all that is of a lower resonance, for you cannot take it with you into the new and higher energies.  Comfort your bodies as you may, but do not be overly concerned for it is a part of the journey dear ones, to let go, release, and finally clear all that is finished and of the old. Traumatic events of many lifetimes stay locked within  cellular memory.  Perhaps that pain in your leg has to do with a cellular memory from the 1500's when you were run over by a cart.  You see, the cells remember; you bring into each lifetime the state of consciousness attained from  previous lifetimes.  Send the cells of your physical body light and tell them that they will never need to experience the events of the past again, for it is finished.

Clearings will frequently access the weakest point within the physical body to release energy, as it is a conduit so to speak, and you may wonder why there is this ongoing pain in a leg or a hand etc. etc. You say;  "Nothing that I do seems to ease it".  Well dear ones your body is  simply using this area for its release point for whatever you are clearing.  If you do not wish this, simply state that you choose to release in a different, more gentle and easy way. You are the "boss" of you.  Over lifetimes in separation energy, humans have come to believe that they are powerless; realize now that you are God beings having a human experience and through that awareness take back your power.

Your words and thoughts are very powerful and have become even more powerful as your resonance has evolved.  Be careful what you wish for, say, or think, for as light beings you are creators. Not understanding this,  you wonder why certain events manifest into your lives.  Begin to think and live in truth at all times. When you do, karma is no longer valid.  At this point you begin to  meet your lessons with truth instead of karma.  Do not judge by appearances, but simply understand that appearances are the manifestation of the human belief system.  You will always see pairs of opposites in the third dimension, for it is an energy of duality and separation.  As you grow more into a consciousness of One, the outer will reflect this and  manifestations will be of a higher level.

There are more earth clearings to come.  Be not afraid, for this is a part of Gaia's cleansing  in her journey to ascension.  Gaia is aware of the pain some of these events cause but is unable to do her own ascension without some changes and clearings.  Be not afraid dear ones for all that experience these things were aware of it before incarnation and gave permission. Often these events are  massive clearings of personal or group karma which is then forever finished.

Those of the "occupy" movements are  expressing the energy of the new consciousness.   Not all understand that this is what it is, but they are experiencing and expressing the need for a return of their power, of mankind's inherent right as spiritual beings to experience abundance and peace.  This is a sign that the earth is being permeated with the higher frequencies of light.  All are experiencing  this, and moving to  take back their power in ways they understand according to their attained state of consciousness.   You have seen much change in the Middle East, and you will see much more.  This is to be a powerful year of change for many.

There are events coming which we cannot share with you at this time, but we say stay centered in truth at all times.  Do not go into fear for you are being guided and watched over lovingly by millions of light beings as well as your brothers and sisters from evolved planets of light.  Be not afraid when you see us make an appearance. Do not go into fear when the falsehoods given to you as truth by those in power began to tumble down for there is much to be revealed  about your past as well as your present.  Those who have taken by force your rights will have much to answer for and their games cannot continue in the new light.

Trust your intuition always, and because you are aware of what is happening, you can be of great help to those who as of yet do not understand.  You will become the teachers when  the revelations come to be.  That is why at this time you must work on your own journey, strengthening your inner awareness and growth through meditation and practice.  You will then have a full tool box  with which you can help those who come behind, ready for the shifting energies, but having no idea of what is taking place.  Those who have given their power to the government,  churches, and others, will find themselves floundering in confusion and that is when you will step in and say; "Be not afraid..."

Do not try to give your pearls to those who do not want them.  This is very important, for all have free will choice as to when and how they wish to evolve.  There are many who still require third dimensional experiences before they are ready to move  higher.  All have choice and all are being guided.  It is the human ego that tries to "save" everyone, believing that there is only one way and it is their way.  Do not fall into this trap as many already have.  That freedom you wish for yourself, must be extended to all others, regardless of how plainly you can see where they stumble.  Your job is simply to "be there" when and if they indicate a desire for more. You can offer suggestions, but do not get into their energy and let it go if they choose to stay where they are.  This is the practice of compassion versus sympathy.  Give the best you have, which may simply be recognizing their light and saying nothing. You will be busy.

We finish with telling you that you are doing a fine job of it.  Do not think you have to perform this or that, recite this mantra or that, stand this way, chant this chant, or do anything.  Stand in the light of truth, and rest in the realization that you are now, always have been, and always will be One with the Divine, and any teaching contrary to this is simply false.  This is Divine Law.

In love, we are the Arcturian Group.                        

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The ARK is Pulsing, 6 Earth-Quakes Today in Arkansas

The ARK is Pulsing

Six Small Earthquakes Today in Central Arkansas

Friday-October 28,2011
(AP) - Six small earthquakes have been recorded in central Arkansas.

The U.S. Geological Survey says the quakes began near Quitman on Friday morning. A magnitude 2.0-quake struck shortly before 8 a.m. Several other quakes hit until the latest and strongest quake just before noon. That earthquake had a magnitude of 2.5.

Arkansas Department of Emergency Management spokeswoman Renee Preslar says there weren't any reports of injuries or damage.

The latest quakes come after a rash of earthquakes in the nearby communities of Guy and Greenbrier.

Geologists say earthquakes with magnitudes of 2.5 to 3.0 are generally the smallest felt by humans.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.

Friday, October 28, 2011 at 15:43:33 UTC
Friday, October 28, 2011 at 10:43:33 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
35.357°N, 92.270°W
6.6 km (4.1 miles)
5 km (3 miles) WSW (241°) from Quitman, AR
7 km (4 miles) ENE (58°) from Guy, AR
13 km (8 miles) E (95°) from Damascus, AR
34 km (21 miles) NNE (29°) from Conway, AR
69 km (43 miles) N (5°) from Little Rock, AR

Below Excerpted from Metatron Channel - "The 11-11-11 - Return of the Law of One "

Crystalline Piezo-Electrics & Cosmic Winks

"The Arkansas Vortex does not flow, as most other vortexes, in a circular pattern Rather in a to-and -fro motion over the largest single deposit of quartz crystal on the earth. This unusual pattern is due to a property of quartz, termed piezoelectricity.

The piezo-electric qualities of Arkansas quartz are extremely potent, and the energy of this aspect is increasing as the Master Crystals of the Vortex come into greater activation. Their energy can send shocks into the air, and shake the land.

An example of this is the well publicized incident of January 2011., when an unexplained phenomena of dying birds occurred in Arkansas. The birds that fell from the sky, dropped as a direct result of a piezo-electric surge that release crysto-electric shock waves into the sky. Some 15,000 birds were temporarily stunned , fell to the earth and died from the blunt trauma of the impact.

In kind, the unusual earthquakes that have taken places in Arkansas over the past 2 years are also a result of the Crystals awakening. These quakes have truly puzzled geologists, for they are centered below areas not previously known for mapped tectonic faults. There are indeed some bewildering aspects to these particular quakes that confound your geo-scientists.

And we tell you that this pulsing is not associated to the New Madrid fault line, although that will be the main stream assumption. There are indeed an increasing number of tectonic earthquakes occurring and quickening across the earth in the energy of the Ascension, but the ones in this region of the Crystal Vortex are the result of something very different.

We tell you again, that the the Arkansas quakes are the result of the Crystals activating. It is a new concept and not understood by your scientists. The very idea would be foreign and unacceptable to main stream academics. Yet we assure of this fact.

On the 10-10-10 a quake occurred very near the Emerald Crystal, and was reported nationally. Unlike 'usual' tectonic quakes, it did not scare the animals. The birds kept singing, the animals did not seek refuge in advance .

On the 9-9-9 a green fog was reported by local media over Mount Magazine and power in the area briefly shut down. The 'green' fog was not an odd colored water vapor. Indeed it was the ionic fog that occurs around and with dimensional 'worm holes'. It was the Emerald Crystal.

Fear not, the Crystal awakenings will not create quakes or shocks that are harmful to humanity. The activations are deliberately softened in gradual time release.

We tell you that another such 'Cosmic Wink' will take place in the Crystal Vortex around the 11-11-11 in Arkansas. The energy of the awakening Crystals is benevolent, and Dear Ones, it is an energy that is inconceivable in its reach and magnificence. There are Crystals and Crystal Caverns below Arkansas that are stunning in beauty and symmetry, beautiful beyond your imagine.

The Ascension, Dear Ones, IS the transition to the Crystalline Energy, and it is beginning, logically in Arkansas, the largest singular deposit of quartz crystal on the planet. ...."
Archangel Metatron

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Magic Of This Time by Lord Merlin

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 17-10-11

  The world that you currently acknowledge as your reality is alight with magic, the very air that you breathe into your body is filled with the presence of magic and your body is preparing to act out the energy of magic in your daily life.
Magic is a label for the life force energy, the essence and truth of the Creator, it is an active energy. Magic is the process of intentions and energy that create miracles, possibilities and potentials. There is so much magic on the Earth now as the attention of all aspects of the Creator's universe is upon you and the humanity of the Earth. Everyone is watching the miracle which is the Earth at this very moment. Even your soul, the essence energy within your physical body is watching you, observing the Earth and looking for the beauty of magic as it manifests. With so much attention being placed upon the Earth there are vast quantities of energy, intentions and light being focused into your reality. This truly is ablessing; you are being supported by the entire universe of all aspects of the Creator. The energy that is being anchored acts as a magnifier to develop your intentions and encourage all your truth to blossom.
It is not only the Earth that is attracting attention, all aspects, stars and civilisations within the Creator's universe are looking to each other, waiting, wondering and feeling the support that they send each other. They like you are acknowledging the lift in vibration, the increase in light, sensitivity and awareness as well as respecting the wisdom within them which indicates that positive change is on the horizon.
Those who are not aware or sensitive to energy may not be aware of the great magic that is occurring, but there is excitement, anticipation and hope building in the energy of many, creating a tremendous power of magic where anything is possible, where dreams can truly manifest. Many of you have longed to be on the Earth at this time, you have waited patiently for this time to come and it is here, so there is a need to continue to awaken your being as much as possible and allow your soul to guide you forward.  Your soul in itself is a form of magic; it is the only energy that can truly guide you through the transitions that are occurring now. So much light is being anchored onto the Earth, it is throwing sunshine into all dark corners and so the energy of negativity is being shed by all. The heaviness of the Earth is being altered into a higher vibration, it is impossible to hide from the power that the light currently holds and this light is naturally igniting as well as magnifying the light within your being. It is appropriate to realise that you can no longer hide the light within you, who you truly are, what you believe in and how you wish to exist on the Earth. If you continue to hide your truth even a small amount you will find that your experiences thrust you forward to awaken and ignite your light further.
You may wonder why you have been waiting for this time on the Earth, 2012 is simply a prophecy, a prediction from long ago, you may ask how can it have any meaning or purpose in your life? 2012 is not a prophecy nor is a date chosen by someone years ago as the time of change. The energy stored in even the word, two thousand and twelve, is an activation. For a long time you have held the knowledge of 2012 within your DNA and soul keys as a reminder. It is almost like a sign post that tells you it is time to awaken.
There was a debate in the past that time should be made longer or slower because humanity wouldn't be ready to achieve and receive this activation and awakening upon the energy entrance of 2012.  However many light beings became aware of this in their souls beginning to bravely and courageously put themselves forward to awaken the light within humanity so that many would be ready to receive the necessary transformation upon arrival at the sign post of 2012. Their and your efforts have been breathtaking and we are seeing that many are ready for transition, a change of energy and intention. For some this transformation will continue into and beyond 2012 as energy and growth is always flowing, while others will experience a tremendous lift in consciousness, vibration and awareness.
                Many may ask what 2012 will activate; it will activate what is appropriate for you, your path and purpose on the Earth to accelerate you forward. 2012 has been programmed to share the energy patterns and codes of love from the Creator and from your heart. This may be the most important understanding, as we enter into 2012 from within your being, energy patterns and codes of love will activate for you to express. As many people achieve this expression it will recode the energy of the Earth to manifest a greater source and era of love. For some the energy patterns of love activated will flow gradually over a period of time into the reality and consciousness of humanity but others may feel it as an abundant wave of love extending from their being connecting with all.  As the energy patterns of love activates from within your being, you will find that you must first embody the love before you can begin to express it. Some may simply express their love activation energy through every breath that they inhale while others will feel the tremendous power flowing through them. This will contribute tremendously to the manifestation of the Era of Love. As the energy of love activates from your DNA and from your soul it will change your programming, the way in which you think, the way in which you perceive the world and your reality. As many people experience this they will naturally alter the reality of the Earth into a reality of love which is the dream of every soul on the Earth; to exist as and in love at all times. This process to me is like magic, you couldn't ask for a greater magic as the activation and the expression will be totally blissful for many. Some may not even realise the transition that is occurring, but will naturally change their mindset to hold and express greater love. With the presence of love will come greater unity, respect, honour and truth between people but this may take time to be perceived and manifested.
                The date of 11-11-11 is also programmedwithin your DNA and soul as an activation process; it is to create a shift in consciousness that will prepare for the activation of and around 2012. I must say that the date of 2012 is only a vague landmark many will experience an awakening in the months or days before or after this date as time is personal to the individual. 11-11-11 will bring forward a shift in consciousness as many are encouraged to align with the Creator's light and source as well as the Creator's numerous aspects in order to encourage a greater awareness, understanding and perception of what is occurring. I think of the activation of 11-11-11 as creating a greater sensitivity to your soul and your spiritual being. You therefore experience a shift from physical thinking and perceptions to spiritual soul understandings and expression. The shift in consciousness is also to incorporate a greater unity between humanity, as every soul unites their energies to create what they truly desire and feel inspired to manifest on the Earth. Each of you is missing parts of your consciousness, your wisdom and understanding. This is because you haven't recognised them yet. With the uniting of humanity's consciousness, aspects and parts of your consciousness and wisdom will be restored as you will show to each other the information that you need to acknowledge. Not only will this make humanity stronger as a united energy but it will allow for a true blossoming of the understanding that humanity holds. This action in itself will pave the way forward for a greater embodiment and manifestation of love.
                We will see that 11-11-11 also represents a powerful activation which rarely occurs upon the Earth in such a number of people. This time will activate a feeling of power and leadership from the soul. It is almost as if the souls of humanity are presented with a tool or a certificate that offers them the permission to become leaders in their own reality. This is not to allow the personality or ego to lead as it has done before but to allow your soul to take a greater role of leadership in your reality. 11-11-11 signifies a shift in consciousness where leadership is moved from the personality and ego to the soul and essence of a person's being. This will only occur when the individual is ready and has achieved a level of acknowledgement of the soul, but 11-11-11 acts as a landmark to allow this shift to begin and then take place with divine timing. For those who already feel a strong connection with their soul, then this will be magnified as new experiences and understandings of their soul and soul group will manifest.
                Through my communication today, it is mywish that you grasp the magic and the wonderful experiences that are manifesting into your reality. There is a need to acknowledge and appreciate the time that you exist in and how you have placed yourself in the very centre of this experience for a reason, this reason is for you to experience and enjoy the transitions fully. Many of you feel as if you do not know what you must be achieving now, the spiritual practices that you need to integrate into your reality but I would say to you at this special time.
Acknowledge the magic, the beauty within everything and everyone including yourself.
Focus on embodying love as this will mean that when the patterns of love are activated your experience will be greater.
Constantly align your energies to the Creator and ask to accept the consciousness that is most appropriate for you.
Send love to the consciousness of humanity.
Bring your attention to your soul, listen to and radiate the light of your soul in preparation for the greater role it will play in your reality.
Remember the magic within your being, remember the magic within your reality and remember the magic of this time.
With love always,
I am Lord Merlin

Friday, October 14, 2011

Metatron CHannel: The Story of Atlantis, the True Legend of the Fall & The Second Moon of Atlantis


The Story of Atlantis, the True Legend of the Fall
& The Second Moon of Atlantis

Poseida and the Atla-Ra

A highly disciplined and evolved sect of scientist priest held the technical wisdom and expertise of managing the crystal power grids. The vast majority of Atla-Ra were of the tall golden race, but there were also members from the bronze, white, LeMurian brown and Cetacean races. At that time there were still Avatar level Cetacean Dolphin Beings that walked on two legs. These highly benevolent  Dolphins verbally communicated and breathed air in a similar fashion to humankind. The Avatar Cetacean were Golden in auric projection , and are the source of those termed the 'Golden Dolphin'. The Golden Dolphin were harbingers of the aspect termed Matriarchal , an energy that you term Feminine Divine, although they were primarily non-gendered in the physical sexual sense of the present paradigm.

The sect of scientist- priests were referred to as the Atla- Ra. The Atla-Ra maintained the highest standards of consciousness and were able to continue vibrating at very high frequencies of consciousness, at and above the level of 12th dimensional light & energy, remaining very pure and resonant with the true 'Oneness' concept of the Creator/God. They sustained higher dimensional -telepathic contact with the advanced space brethren from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and Sirius.

The Atla-Ra Priests were highly disciplined, revered and traditionally separate, above & exempt from governmental controls, and thus kept the knowledge & senior management of crystal technology largely in the wise & benevolent hands of the sect, although there were some technicians and crystal engineers from the Poseidon populace involved who were not in the Atla-Ra sect. The Scientist Priest of Atla-Ra were both male and female and were capable of great life spans, both through the regeneration of mind power and through the technology of same in the Temple of Rejuvenation. Many lived lifetimes in the same biology for 6,000 years, some to 12,000 years! Thus was the technology preserved through this holy sect. Many brilliant souls were among these. The entities you know as Galileo, Isaac Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Marcel Vogel, and DaVinci were among the Atla-Ra. Tyberonn and Oneronn were part of this group of scientist priest, who lived very long lifetimes.

Many of you, especially your artists have great recall of the capital city of Atlantis located in the region of Poseida. It was termed the Emerald City because of the glowing green light dome projected over it. Some of your artists in fact have made renditions of the city that are quite accurate. It was an exquisite marvel of architecture, culture and engineering, by far the most beautiful metropolis that has ever existed on your planet. It was breathtaking. The city, also named Poseida, as was the state, was composed of a series of concentric walls and encircled by flowing sea-green canals. It was full of beautifully constructed Temples, Universities, Theatres and Museums.

 At the very center was a hill, and on top of the hill the majestic and stunning Temple of Poseidon, which was visible from everywhere in the holy emerald city. Inside the temple was a massive gold statue of the God of the Sea showing him driving six winged horses made of extra terrestrial platinum. The statue was embellished with precious gemstones of every color and type. The Temple was octagonal and along each of the 8 walls were built convex enclosures with platforms for amazing crystals that stood twelve feet high and glowed like transparent diamonds. Poseida had been the least damaged of the major Atlantean cities after the break up into islands, and was still of a very high frequency and quality of life.

Aryan and the Industrial Complex:
Aryan was the largest of the islands and the most populated. Aryan was the commercial center and yielded the most influence from the economic, agricultural and military perspective. After the 2nd deluge, Aryan was significantly damaged and the infrastructure required a chaotic stage of rebuilding. In the process, the state became controlled by an elitist, affluent 'white' race, who gained control of the economy, military powers and island-state government, even though the majority of the populace were of the bronze or red race. From Aryan grew a corrupt power-minded aristocracy who sought to block the 'Law of One' and utilize Atlantis's technology for control of the world, this through the utilization of crystalline energy for weaponry, and use of genetic science for development & retention of an inferior race to serve as workers and soldiers.
The genetic engineering was based in Meruvia, on Aryan. It had originally been used for benevolent purposes, for seeking improved physical vehicles for those that had incarnated into physical bodies that mutated into half man half beast abominations. The genetic work had been processed and developed on Aryan and was used to remove appendages, claws, feathers and reptilian skins and scales. This was done in the Temple of Purification, somewhat of a specialized medical centre. Again, we emphasize that during the Golden Age of Atlantis, its utility had been quite benevolent. Tremendous genetic advances were made and a great understanding of cloning and adjusting physical limitations for betterment came in responsible, ethical utility.
In the chaos of the reconstruction period, genetic engineering came under the control of the Belial group, and then denigrated into corrupt uses of greed and power. The genetic engineering began being used for dark ends, in creating a race of worker- slaves and hybrid man animals. Just as in Nazi Germany it was conveyed to the masses as development of a 'pure race'. In fact many of the genetic scientist were initially kept unaware of what their research and development work was being used for until it was essentially too late for them to stop it. Some of you carry great guilt to this day as a result of this work. 
Law of One and Sons of Belial

This use of genetically engineered servant classes led to the great rift between the Law of One and the Sons of Belial, the latter of which became so engrossed and hardened in the materialistic ambitions of the industrial machine that they lost sight of the spiritual ethics that had prevailed over the continent of Atlantis in the Golden Era. Literally hundreds of thousands of hybrid mutations were created to work the fields and monstrosities were created with controlled minds to robotically do the bidding of their 'masters'. The agro-industrial society of Aryan became quite dependent on them.

Souls became trapped in cloned bodies termed 'things' and 'others' with genetic lobotomies and nullified, sexuality and emotional abilities. Many who were trapped in monstrous or sub intelligent androgynous human bodies, still carry that horrendous pain of being imprisoned in physical embodiments that allowed for no advanced learning, spiritual growth or emotional expression.
We tell you that the beings you refer to as Sasquatch, are remnants of human-gorilla genetic engineered mutants, created for heavy labor, by the Aryans.

Genetic engineering for commercial purpose was highly opposed by the Spiritual Atla-Ra and Poseidon's of the 'Law of One'. The Law of One found it a form of cruel slavery, and morally abhorrent. The Law of One remained a nurturing, matriarchal  spiritual culture, while the Aryan grew into a powerful military corporate society, dominated by the upper class.

For several millennia the two ideologies remained head-locked over this issue and governmental agencies were in a state of delicate impasse. The Poseidon's were far too cultured and gentle in nature to attempt to fight the Aryans and sought to educate them and spiritually influence them into changing their ways. The Aryans, who outnumbered the Poseidon's 3 to 1, dared not attack Poseida lest they have the crystalline energy that powered the nation shut off.

 Colonial Wars :

In the interim, outbreaks of war erupted between the Aryan controlled Atlantean military as the former colonies of Atlantis located in the Mediterranean areas broke traditional ties and developed their own independent governments. The colonies, particularly those in Greece and Turkey, saw the change from the utopian Atlantis to the military-fascist state controlled by Aryan and sought to break away. Although the Aryans had the military edge, the Mediterranean states did not succumb, and regional colonial wars raged on with neither side able to dominate the other. Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries. This was firmly refused by the Atla-Ra and 'Law of One' populace of Poseida.

Several futile attempts to terrorize the Poseidons were attempted by the Aryans, and each was quelled. The Poseidons retaliated by shutting down the power and negating the Aryans. The Aryans responded by stopping food supply and manufactured goods. A great impasse ensued.
The Atlantean Unification Congress

In a great deceptive scheme, disguised as a plan for unification, the Aryans approached the Poseidons with the formation of a renewed National Congress to work out their growingly tense differences and bring harmony to Atlantis. Representatives from the Law of One were sent along with the representatives from the Sons of Belial. The Congress was formalized with an equal amount of representation from the two parties. Within short order a federation of sorts was sanctified with the promise of greater harmony. It appeared for several decades that the promise of change and betterment might come about from the National Congress. The Poseidon's were encouraged and many of them let down their guard. The Atla-Ra remained wary of the motives and sensed deception.

Initially the National Congress did improve relations and many minor superficial laws that promised unity were set in motion. Yet the primary points of opposition, the genetic slavery and crystal energy management remained unresolved.

However, from within the Sons of Belial had risen a hypnotic charismatic leadership who seduced the masses in Atlantis into believing they were the answer to returning Atlantis to its lost Golden Age of prominence and abundance. The leaders of this group were the souls that you know as Hitler and Himmler, indeed the supremacist Nazis of your World War II. Large militaristic legions were formed and gained the edge in covert political persuasion and power. The hybrid mutants were used to terrorize those who opposed them in Aryan and Og, and on one occasion this was futilely attempted in Poseida.

The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media. They presented well thought out arguments that masked their true intentions and promised mutual compromise The propaganda seemed quite feasible on the surface and convinced many including moderates and some from the Law of One of its hope for harmony.

In what appeared to be a great opportunity for resolution, a law was proposed by the Belial group to bring the genetic engineering, heretofore controlled by the state of Aryan under federalized control, and in return, bring the crystal poser system under the control of a governmental agency. A great discussion and debate occurred under great national scrutiny. A vote was set, but failed in the congressional vote.

Seduction & Betrayal :

However, a compelling compromise was offered by the cunning leadership of the Belial, which allowed for the law to be passed on the basis that a council staffed with 5 Poseidon's and 4 Aryans would head a new government agency for federalized Crystalline- Energy control. The fact that the Law of One were given apparent majority control of the council made the plan seem very promising to the populace of Poseida.

The law allowed that no changes could be made without majority consensus of the council, but included the caveat that while the Atla -Ra would remain in departmental head positions, they would no longer be exempt from governmental controls. A training program was included that would allow engineers from both parties, outside the Atla-Ra, to be trained and taught the complex engineering.Initially, despite the wariness of Atla-Ra, the system appeared to be working and bringing a better harmony.
 However, within two years, the wars in the Mediterranean roared back in full escalation, and the rebelling colonies seemed to be gaining the advantage. Pressure mounted to use crystal beams for war purposes under the guise of national security. A discussion, debate and vote was scheduled for the Governing Council. National security was touted and a misaligned sense of manipulated patriotism swept the land.

Then the deception rolled into effect. To the great shock & chagrin of the Poseidons, one of the Law of One members of the Council, switched positions. He was neither of the Atla-Ra, nor the Golden race. He had risen politically as a charismatic leader, a trusted negotiator, who had pledged allegiances to the Law of One and gained their full confidence. He had been targeted and seduced by the Aryans, and fell victim to his ambitions.

In the aftermath, this one felt great remorse, and spent subsequent lifetimes attempting to make up for the mistake. For truly he did not foresee the catastrophic ending, and had allowed himself to be blindly compromised under promises of power and position.

Dear Ones, such is the illusion of power. You see when one gains power, that which may seem right can often be an illusion of ego. Each on the road of Mastery must eventually decide between power and love. Even the one you call Hitler thought the master race scenario would enable a better future for the earth, with one supreme physical embodiment being the single eventual race that all souls would reincarnate into, reducing disease, and eliminating racial division by having only one 'Master' race.

Even the one you call Judas in your biblical allegory thought that by placing Jeshua ben Josef in detention, he would be forced to use his divine powers to reveal his Mastery to the world! Indeed the paradox is that what you term as 'Power' is often the polar opposite of love.

Do you see how ego and power can deceive? Do you? Ego and self-aggrandizement oft seduce even highly evolved souls, and inevitably leads to downfall.

Thus through 'legalized' governmental control, the use of the crystal power complex & grids came under governmental control under the sons of Belial, and sadly could not be reversed.

 The Second Moon of Atlantis

That which was known as the 'Second Moon of Atlantis', the crystalline poser grids and fire crystals came under governmental control, and their usage became altered as the Aryan knowledge of the programming grew. The Atla-Ra were able to defer the usage initially, but in time were stymied.

Now as we have mentioned earlier, that termed the second moon of Atlantis, was in fact a massive crystalline satellite. It was of Arcturian construct and managed by the Priest Scientist of the Law of One. The crystalline satellite was an enormous unmanned sphere of brilliant engineering, approximately five miles in diameter. It has been in use since the Golden Age of Atlantis, and served myriad benevolent purpose. It amplified and controlled the various crystal beams sent from the fire, healing and energy crystals. It was somewhat of a computerized macro-chip that refracted, amplified and reflected powerfully refined beams of energy for use in agriculture, weather control, tide control, healing temples, regeneration temples and the enhanced ley-energy systems generated by the crystal poser system. It loomed in the skies over Atlantis and appeared as a golden 'harvest' moon, and thus was known as the second moon of Atlantis. A rainbow kaleidoscopic energy band of antigravity plasma swirled around the sphere, and often appeared as what you now term the aurora or northern lights. The satellite crystal moon did not orbit the earth, it moved as programmed, self directed, constantly shifting locations in order to perform its myriad tasks over Atlantis, Africa and the eastern seaboard of Brazil.

After the Crystalline Grid complex legally came under federalized Aryan control, the Belial group integrated their own technologists into the engineering group, quickly replacing key department heads with their own. The Atla-Ra attempted to block their attempt to reprogram the satellite for war usage, explaining that overloading the satellite would dissipate the antigravity field that maneuvered it, and a catastrophic crash could occur. The Aryan scientist debunked the claim. Some of the Atla-Ra were threatened and removed, others began to mysteriously disappear. Many of the Poseidons felt intimidated and powerless as the governing council allowed for the satellite to become a 'strategic defense weapon', certain it would function as programmed, and bring a quick end to the rebellion wars.

The Belial scientist, with council approval, reprogrammed a system bypass and began sending destructive thermal light beams used to initiate volcanic eruptions and massive earthquakes against colonies and nations who refused to give into their demands. These were aimed in the areas of what is now Greece and Turkey, and caused great devastation. Indeed it gave the zealous Aryans the battle advantage they so fervently desired, and they jubilantly increased its usage, with support of most of the populace.

The Beginning of the End

The Crystal Moon began to 'overload', weakening the anti gravity field that kept it afloat. The Atla-Ra understood the implications of what would soon occur when the programming crashed, but their pleas to the council continued to be ignored.
After several months of prolonged war use, the satellite began to erratically swerve and shift, and power blackouts began to occur. Tireless attempts to correct it were unsuccessful. The Atla-Ra were asked to lend support in correcting it, most refused. Some agreed to try and stabilize it to prevent the impending disaster. All attempts failed. The council refused the suggestion to incinerate the satellite, disbelieving that it would crash, and minimizing the effects of an impact even if it did. 
Relocation of the Crystals

Tyberonn & Oberonn gathered an inner group of loyalist within the Atla-Ra and Law of One to plan a circuitry disconnection & imminent relocation of the fire and energy crystals to various 'safe' locations before the impending crash of the master satellite. This was done with the technology & assistance of those from Sirius B.

The relocation of the precious crystals was very risky, and required careful planning and great secrecy. It had to be done before the crash of the 'second moon', and without knowledge of the governing council.

 Simultaneously other trusted members of the Atla-Ra worked furiously and hastily gathered data recording crystals, crystalline skulls and engraved historical records for secure placements in Yucatan, Alexandria and Giza. This was only partially accomplished, so much was not able to be saved.

Atlantis had numerous power crystals located throughout the 5 islands and along specific relay routes of the underground labyrinth system. The Atla-Ra knew that once the modulated 'motherboard' of the crystal moon satellite lost its antigravity field, it would crash in a huge explosion and its crashing would subsequently wreak havoc on the major and poser energy crystals, creating catastrophic secondary explosions of a nuclear-class within hours or days of the crash. The Atla-Ra were only too aware of the earthquakes and tsunamis that would occur as a result.

The Atla-Ra with assistance from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance wanted to insure the master crystals would not be destroyed or used for any further negative purpose, and be saved for a time when mankind could use them as they were intended. They understood the power required to transport them would be lost after the crash, and that urgent expediency was required.

Seven of the enormous primary crystals and two slightly smaller but incredible Arcturian crystals were relocated within the hyper-dimensional  transport systems of the underground tunnel system with help from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance.  Three huge primary crystals were relocated to the Atlantean crystal fields of Arkansas, two were relocated to the underground crystal farms of Brazil in the areas of Bahia and Minas Gerais, one was relocated to an underground chasm below Mount Shasta, and the great fire crystal was placed underground in a chasm below the Bimini Bank in the Sargasso Sea. The two sacred Arcturian crystals were located in the chasms below the area of Tiajuanaco, Bolivia near Lake Titicaca.

All nine were put in dimensional locks, essentially powered down into energetic dormancy through the technology of the Alliance. Many other magnificent Temple Crystals were lost. The nine that were saved, were protected in respect of their priority and importance. The rest, in your vernacular is history, poignant lost history from your mainstream perspective. Truly the paradox of the forgotten history is that it contains the most purposeful of lessons!

Indeed after a few months of being utilized for the thermal 'death ray' technology, the great crystal satellite overloaded, its antigravity cushion weakened and it crashed with the accelerated velocity of a massive comet in a horrific explosion that devastated most of OG and critically weakened the tectonic stability of the Atlantean plate, vaporizing massive sections of substrata. The great crystal satellite shattered into billions of fragmented crystalline shards, which now fill the deep trenches of the Atlantic. Massive clouds of dust and smoke erupted, hiding the sun. Waves of earthquakes and tsunamis devastated the island and sent great waves over two thirds of Aryan. Within minutes the remaining power stations exploded with the strength of nuclear bombs. The remains of one such crystal power station explosion can be seen to this day in the area of northeast Brazil called 'Sete Cidades'.

Atlantis, and the eastern coast of Brazil and the western coast of Africa were devastated with subsequent earthquakes. Panic and havoc ensued for 3-4 weeks as the remaining dry areas shook and landmasses collapsed into the sea, creating enormous tsunamis. The land bridge that connected Poseida and Og to the Yucatan remained above water initially and was literally filled with hundreds of thousands of Atlanteans frantically attempting to escape in a horrendous panic filled exodus. Every type of sea going vessel was filled with the surviving terrorized refugees.

And then in one shattering gasp, the remaining lands collapsed downward into the sea. The displaced seas that became known as the great flood sent dozens of enormous tsunamis that spilled over the Americas, Africa and Europe. Only a few mountain tops of Atlantis remained dry. But the survivors were distraught, traumatized across the globe. Very few places were unaffected. A downward spiral had began.

It is a dramatic scene that has for many many lifetimes plagued and darkened the memories of many of you, who were indeed a part of it. Dear Ones, it is time to let it go. 
Intent & Highest Good
So many of you believe that everything happens as it should happen, as it is 'meant' to be. Dear Ones, that is true from higher perspective, but not from duality 3d. Indeed it is not always the case. Things happen as they happen, as a set of many potentials. And indeed from the higher perspective events happen in a manner that eventually resolves into the higher potential, but it does not do so automatically.

You are the scripter & creators of your event horizons. Dear Ones, events do not happen in the highest good until you create the highest good. Such is the Rubik Cube of the University of Earth Duality. The Fall of Atlantis was not the highest good, and will not be until you recreate it as such.
If all happened for highest good, you would not reincarnate. In the dramatic school of hologramic 'reality' you will cycle and recycle until you learn this. Do you understand, Dear Ones?

Time and probability are a beautiful illusionary paradox....And this is why we tell you that the Golden Age of Atlantis is actually an event horizon from your future that you pulled into your 'seeming' past!

We tell you that you of the Law of One are now gathering for an extremely important aspect of the Ascension. That is why you are drawn to Arkansas, it is the relevant completion of an auspicious meaningful soul-contract. It is the release of the past, because your gathering together will change the 'seeming' past. The excruciating pain and harrowing  guilt seared into your time holograms from that era will be shifted, but you must in micro and macro make it so.

It takes commitment to form the Crystalline harmony, the highest good of the Earth. Indeed the past must be changed to prevent the energy and trauma from over-bleeding into the present and future, in linear terms.

We tell you that the event you call World War ll was an over bleed of that trauma, the Aryan conflict. We tell you now that the tendency toward Military-Corporate government is with you still. You can change it.

But it will not end by hatred or fear, it will change through Love. We have told you many times that when the Love of Power is replaced by the Power of Love, you will make a quantum, crystalline leap. But love without strength is incomplete. It is for you to unlock the paradox of duality and shift upward into integral crystalline vibration. You will not end war by hating war, you will end war by loving peace, and it takes strength.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Message from the Arcturian Group - October 2, 2011

                              OCTOBER 2, 2011
Greetings dear ones.  We come again to wish you a happy ascension process.  Even though it does not always seem an occasion for rejoicing, it actually is.  You are beginning to differentiate between the dark and the light.  Mankind is starting discern that which is old and finished and  this discernment is manifesting in the world as a dissatisfaction with the status quo.  Many are taking  a stand on issues that before now they would not of even thought of as needing change.  It is because those who  always believed everything they were told, are now experiencing the higher frequency energies which are allowing them to feel the difference between that which is true and that which is false.  You are becoming more sensitive to energy and Light.  The veil is thinning, and  is causing  dissatisfaction with so much that you previously took for granted.  You see dear ones,  the old (duality and separation)  is not based in Divine law and truth, it simply reflects your venture into the experience of separation in order to remember who you were while within this energy of separation.  This is why the school of earth is so difficult and why graduation from the earth school is such an achievement.  You are doing it!  You are awakening in spite of appearances which means that you are hearing and following your inner guidance.  By this we do not mean the many wonderful channels giving you information at this time.  We mean your inner guidance, that part of you that is the spark of the Divine, that part of you that is the manifestation of Source Consciousness and embodies all that is.  You are starting to trust  and allow this completeness to  manifest in your life as what you need--information, money, food, whatever.  Source is within you  and it is your awareness of this truth (your attained state of consciousness) that determines how much of this truth you manifest in the outer.

We say to you all that you are doing a fine job of this ascension but it is vital for you to stay  centered and focused.  That is, not to believe yourselves to be  three dimensional beings occasionally coming into the higher, but to see yourselves always as  Higher dimensional beings having to occasionally be in the lower.  You see, most are still doing it in the old and beginner way; that is, reserving  truth for special occasions and those times of meditation and quiet.  Try now to live, move, and have your being in  truth at all times for you are ready. Many continue to work from the belief that they are still  beginners, but you are no longer beginners. It is not meant that you stay forever in books, classes, and groups that tell you how to be and what you must do.  Many still feel that if they read a book, go to a class, or discuss truth with the like minded, that they are very evolved.  Truth must  be lived, you are able now to get your guidance from within; the Within that is Divine Consciousness-- omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.  You!   Once you know the Kingdom is within, you must not continue to look outside of yourselves or you create a bigger gap.

Over lifetimes you  have played the third dimensional game of hide and seek and have learned who and what you are-- the game is over should you choose.   If you choose ascension, you must live ascension.  This does not mean living out from a state of consciousness  not yet attained, for that in itself is very "human", however, it does mean knowing the truth at all times in spite of appearances, and then taking whatever human footsteps may be necessary at the time.  It means  sitting in the midst of chaos knowing; "God alone is power".  Then proceeding to do what needs to be done.

Through experience, mankind has become comfortable with third dimensional  games and finds them hard to give it up.  Much that you have come to accept as life and much that you enjoy, is dissolving before your very eyes, but know that anything real cannot dissolve.  It is only the concept of it that dissolves, whereas the reality behind it will again appear on higher and better levels.  We give you the  example of relationships.  Many relationships are breaking apart as the result of energy changes.  In order for a relationship to work, there must be a resonating of the energy between those involved.  This is true for all relationships and not just romantic ones.   When an individual evolves and thus moves to a new level of light resonance but the other in the relationship has not moved, you see they no longer resonate with the same frequency.   This is happening within many marriages right now because one partner is still in the old energy of; "I am half of a couple, I need  you to give me the masculine or feminine aspect that I don't have, and together we are whole."  At the same time, the other partner is realizing that he or she is a whole and complete and embodies both aspects already.  You see what this will do to a marriage or partner relationship--each are viewing the situation from different states of consciousness.
The new and higher sense of relationship is based in an awareness of self-completeness.  That is; "I choose to share my completeness with you but I do not need  you in order to be complete.

All things are going to change, but everything real and imbued with truth, will simply manifest on a higher level.

Those protesting all over the world, are experiencing  urges flowing from a deeper sense of truth and connection with their reality even though most do not understand this yet.  Divine Freedom-(a law)- is coming alive within them and they are expressing this in a way that makes sense to them, by protesting.

Stop looking so much to others for your answers.  Let them help you; the books, the channels, the informational sources, but always allow  the final word rest in how it resonates within you.  You have all that is real within your Divine self, it is only the dream that has made you believe that you were separate from it. Practice going within for everything , and as you do, you will gain spiritual strength.  You are awakening from the dream. You are finished with the games of  living behind a veil of forgetfulness in order to see if you can find God in the darkness.

You have done it, now accept,  embrace, and live out from  that which you are, always have been and always will be.

We are the Arcturian Group            

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day Six-Entering the Universal Underworld

Invocation to Day Six
Elders Channeling on Day

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, my I Am Presence, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge, as I now wrap myself in the beautiful silver-gold flame of Galactic Christ Consciousness, through the Overlighting of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and the Brotherhood of the Light.

I now ask the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light into the Crystalline City of Light within Mt. Shasta, so I may deepen my service work through connecting into the matrix of Divine Love through the amplified frequencies of the super-electron and assist in the increased Cosmic Consciousness awareness of myself and all Life on this earth plane.

I am now greeted by three gatekeepers to this beautiful Crystalline City of Light, embraced and welcomed as an initiate of Light.
I am now taken into a silver-gold pyramid shaped Temple of Light,
taking on the light frequencies and encodings to this magnificent silver-gold ray of Light, merging now with my multidimensional Selves at this sixth dimensional frequency.

I now affirm: I am open to receiving and transmitting these Light encodings of Divine Love through increased levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. I choose to be of Service in Love. I choose to experience each day giving and receiving the Flame of Divine Love, connecting to all Life through this Unified Field of Love and Light. I have the power, the strength, the courage, the discipline and willingness to affect and create change within my reality, experiencing simply the reality of One Unity Consciousness. I now integrate my personality and soul aspects as I merge with my I Am Presence, experiencing a deeper activation of the dormant DNA and the Unified Field of Divine Love through the energy of the super-electron.

I am now placed within a Metatronic Activated Chamber of Light.
As this three dimensional rectangular grid of Light now comes in, it spins the electron-positron pairs within my body in increased frequencies of Light relative to my level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. And now, Divine energy transmissions powered through the super-electron pour into my physical energy body, activating my dormant DNA, and bringing integrated concepts and increased levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness that I may potentially manifest on this earth plane as this wayshower and physical vessel of Light.

I now connect to the members of the Great White Lodge, to further experience these energy transmissions of Light, as I stand steadfast in my Light, as this Master Being of Love and Light.

I now find myself on the Galactic Grid of Light Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Brotherhood of the Light, starseeded ones and Light workers, and all those Beings of Light from On High assisting in the ascension of this quadrant of the galaxy.
I now link into this Unified Field of Divine Love, in alignment with Sirius, the Sun and earth.

I now direct this sacred silver-gold flame of increased Cosmic Consciousness awareness through the super-electron as the vibration of the sub-electron into this Solar System, onto all the sacred and non-sacred planets within this Solar System and now onto earth, into Shamballa, into the Unity Grid and Crystalline Grid of Light, through all the leylines and sacred sites, and now into the hearts and minds of all Humanity, lifting them into the Flame of Divine Love and the experience of Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

I Am loving kindness and compassion,
I Am courage and wisdom,
I Am the Flame of Divine Love,
I Am in Service to all Life,
I Am aware and conscious,
I give and receive of the Flame of Divine Love,
I connect with all Life through the Unified Matrix of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness,

I now gently come back into my sacred space, grounding into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, wrapped in this celestial silver-gold Flame of Galactic Christ Consciousness, and connected to my I Am Presence.

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek
Co-created by Adi'El
Music by Shapeshifter (CD: Touch of Angels)~
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