poetry inspired by The Law of One

in bodies of light
roadsigns of vibration
hints of resonance that might
touch our heart or
shock our body
still our mind
steer a course
to the people that we live with
in a past and future course
Our family of light eternal
but we have so much to do
we must first find each other
and by chance if we know what to do
We will learn and grow together
nourish ourselves in love and in light
plant a seed where we are able
be a friend or lend a hand
raise a child make a movie
do what you do its in your heart
yet don't ever stop remembering
never forget that you are part
of a planetary transition in progress
collision course with a crowded wave
galaxies away originated
into the perpetual cyclic dance
of intelligent infinity self creating
endless octaves filled with light
potential of paradoxical conundrum
where none is wrong and none is right
the only goal creation
and the intensity of the light
the measure of many lifetimes
who will go and who will stay
to heal with a bleeding planet
live in synthesis mother earth
to realize that though upon it
we were as one before its birth
in a cosmic supernova
the light reflected to this day
since 1987
when harmonic convergence marked the start
of a progression long awaited
but forgotten by it parts
love and truth by force distorted
psychic chasms sharp and wide
most who traverse there are blinded
through karmic entanglements lives defined
not this cycle to remember
not to seek nothing to find
in love they live eternal
burdened with body and with mind
until a resonant frequency finds them
and the soul at last they find
wish them well
they live forever
as do you and as do I
the ones we must beware of
are those with lofty goals in mind
to control and serve creation
determined of a way in which to find
the light through imposition
of their will upon mankind
it is those that rule our country
read our mail
wash our minds
kill our crops and feed us plastic
vaccinations are required
to attend school and be force fed
to build a prison for the mind
we must find the elusive balance
between the cradle and the grave
learn our lessons
pick our fights
if we can cling collectively
to our sanity calm within
square our transmissions
confirm our next mission
we will render polarization positive
the struggle nears its end
soon we will have full vision
disconnect...and hold on tight

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