January 4 brings us another eclipse, the first of four solar eclipses to occur in 2011. I have compiled here a collection of astrological and energetic reports concerning the planetary configuration of this coming
don't think that because this Solar Eclipse is partial, only visible in specific regions, only covering a portion of the Sun, that its energy is not.extrremely powerful. It is a 'Mega-Event', teeming, buzzing with energy!
Pathway of Peace
January 4th is a Triple Star Eclipse :
(1) New Moon - New Beginnings, Planting 'Seeds'
(2) Quadranti Meteor Shower : Bringing Akash-Consciousness Units for Enhanced Manifestation via Sky-Fire Mini Comets
(3) Solar Eclipse- Mega Blast of Energy for Transition, Vision & Inner Search
All eclipses, especially the ones over the next 24 months are omnipotent in reach & effect. They are light-coded and are shifting the rapidly transitioning 144-Crystalline Grid and the Earth & Humanity in kind. Eclipses, you see, whether partial or total effect the planetary grid system in its entirety, and the resulting energy pulses are evenly distributed over the entire planet.
You recently experienced an enormous energy surge on the Solstice-Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse of December 21st, with Mercury in retrograde. Mercury completes the current retro- backspin on December 30th, and begins forward movement just in time for the Solar Eclipse New Moon Comets on January 4th.
In a very real , very purposeful construct, the coded, embellished Eclipse of January 4th completes the energetic labyrinth that began on December 21st. It is the virtual Light at the End of the Tunnel. This energy is offered to Humanity and is a wonderful time to refresh, to vision, to manifest intent.
You made it through the rollercoaster of the Grand Cardinal Cross and Mega Solstice of 2010. Not to say that 2011 will be less potent than 2010, in fact it will amp up a notch. The energies of 2011 have another 5 eclipses, 2 more lunar and 3 more solar, potent eclipses and equinoxes and perhaps the most magnanimous, the TDP ( Triple Date Portal) of the 11-11-11. But because of the obstacle course of 2010, you grew stronger, and you will mange the upshifts of 2011 a bit easier. In 2011 you start clean ! And all the wiser. Perfect start. Use this energy...Seize the Day!
the above was excerpted from Pathway of Peace, click to read entire article
UPDATED: New Moon Solar Eclipse Meditation
from the Pleiadean Light Network
I call upon Mother/Father God, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge, as I now merge with my I Am Presence, and ground myself into the crystal heart of Mother Earth.
I now find myself traveling in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the Ascension Seat of the Ray of Solar Service, into this beautiful copper-gold flame of Light, Overlighted by Helios and Vesta.
I now find myself in this Healing Chamber of Light within the Solar Core, letting go of any issues I may still be working with, and releasing old karmic patterns, false beliefs and judgments within this sacred healing space amplified through the vibration of all twelve rays with a focus on Love-Wisdom.
I now bring a focus to my Highest Potential as a co-creator and Master Being; allowing myself to step into a deeper level of my service work, and bringing with it greater joy, abundance, spiritual leadership, passion, creativity, responsibility, and Love.
And now, I experience the primary quality of Manifestation through this copper-gold flame of Light, merging through these timelines into this Now, with all the gifts and skills I need to magnetize, co-create and manifest a reality of One Unity Consciousness.
And now, as part of this core group of I Am Avatar Souls in human embodiment, I find myself within the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth, within this Ascension Seat, wrapped in a beautiful pink-orange flame of Love.
I now experience a merging with my I Am Presence, as my heart and third eye chakras are now activated through the keycodes of Light of the Divine Feminine in scrolls of Light.
And now, all the chakras are activated, as the atoms and molecules and sub-atomic particles in the body spin faster in these increased frequencies of Light.
Through these keycodes of Light, I experience the qualities of compassion, understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, equilibrium and balance, organization, and discernment.
And now, I am given additional keycodes of Light which will assist in the anchoring and activating of the Crystalline Cities of Light within and around Mother Earth.
I now find myself on the Unity Grid of Light, connected to the Light workers and Beings of Light from On High assisting in the templates of Light through the Divine Feminine and in the creation of the Crystalline Cities of Light.
I now take these Divine Feminine key codes frequencies of Light, surrounding Mother Earth and all her Life in this beautiful pink-orange flame of Light Overlighted by the Company of Heaven.
I now assist in anchoring the templates for the Crystalline Cities of Light through the Divine Feminine keycodes of Light and appropriate vortices and sacred sites, knowing that they will be activated on 11:11:11.
I Am a Keeper of Light.
I Am a Child of the Sun.
I Am a Master Being of Love and Light.
I Am All That I Am.
Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek: www.pleiadianlight.net
My next selection is excerpted from Dark Star Astrology-I might add that all the readings I reviewed were remarkably similar-I chose to quote this particular site because of the "bullshit free eclipse" approach!
Solar Eclipse January 2011 – Seeking Eros
The Solar Eclipse on 4 January 2011 is at 13°39′ Capricorn. It is conjunct the fixed star Ascella “Of the nature ofAscella is in the constellation Sagittarius, the Kabalists associate it with the tarot card “The Lovers”. Presumably because of the Cupid above them drawing his bow and arrow like the archer. The word Sag means ‘To seek out’. To seek out a mate perhaps?
The only planetary aspect the Moon makes is a square to Saturn. Despite the square, the stars influence is a fortunate, optimistic one and just makes the Saturn influence more about seeking to settle down and work hard. Maybe aiming to strike a deal in a working partnership. People pulling together, opening the doors of communication and trusting each other.
No Bull!
So the feeling of this Eclipse is one of relief. We are looking forward to 2011 with a much clearer idea of where things are heading. No frills or drama with the square from Saturn. Just getting on with things, being practical. Organizing for the year ahead. Planting realistic seeds. Ones that will flower in the way you want them too. No nasty shocks. This is quite a bullshit free Eclipse. No smoke & mirrors, promises of second comings or Armageddon. We got through 2010 and the Cardinal Crisis. We are wiser and less naive.
One of the bullshit-busting aspects is Venus squaring the Guru conjunction Neptune & Chiron. Venus with Neptune is one of those overly-romanticized aspects that are usually bitterly disappointing. It’s a so called “Soulmate” aspect in Synastry. Well it is too, but often not the “Happy every after” we expect. This square will help keep our goals and dreams realistic. On the other hand Venus is trining Uranus/Jupiter conjunction. These two are now direct and this is their last “Quickening” conjunction also. Venus trine Jupiter should work out as super-benefic, with maybe some pleasant surprises with Uranus.
Dare I say this set-up could yeald something quite miraculous? No I dare not. This is the no BS Eclipse remember. Keeping it real… At the very least the “new and influential” friends should be made under this Eclipse where it falls in your natal chart. The other “No BS” aspect is Mercury square Black Moon Lilith. This is no fear of shouting out that the Emperor has no clothes on. People will be more inclined to speak their truth and act authentically. So you can trust those new friends you make are genuine.
The Moon is conjunct is Asteroid Eros (38’) Which is a great compliment to Sagittarius’s Archer and Cupid’s bow I mentioned at the start. This Moon then has a theme of seeking and taking aim. Going for it without hesitation. Eros is the symbol of erotic love. He is a primal, phallic god who embodies the masculine sexual force.
Eros is like a higher octave of Mars, refining the raw sexual drive and channeling it into a path of spiritual enlightenment. He does this through his union with Psyche. This is why partnership is so important with this New Moon. Of course this being an eclipse it’s also about the Moons marriage with the Sun. Unifying opposites. Ying and yang. Like Psyche with Eros, the Moon tempers the ego somewhat.
Eros is about being “turned on”. So its square to Saturn would be about getting turned on by real life and hard work. A great time to form business partnerships, though the square will mean they are challenging. The challenge is a good thing however, ridding us of fluff by creating healthy competition. Squares are dynamic and get things done.
This 1st Eclipse of 2011 all about cutting the bullshit, pulling together and making hard-graft sexy. Eros is about motivation, and passion to make things work. A no-nonsense creative impulse. With Ascella this is seeking out your partners and planting realistic seeds for the future. With Venus trine Jupiter blessing it, these seeds are pretty much guaranteed success, if you put some welly into it!
(incidentally-here is a link to an article posted on word-haven describing a keynote address given by Marc Gafni in which he addresses the sad loss of the erotic in our lives, and methods to recapture eros in 2011)