Unseen lines of earth energy form patterns on the geologic planet when interacting with human consciousness. These patterns come together in matrices of interaction to form "earth grids." Inner plane grids, while appearing in principle much the same as earth grids, are to be differentiated from the latter in that while inner planes grids interact with the current-time earth and have geo-physical points upon which they are anchored, the true location of these grids is in another dimensional magnetic zone of this planet's holistic nature as a living being.

The crystalline grid is an energy grid that surrounds and permeates the Earth and consists of 12 main nodal points of high energy, and 144 secondary nodal points. It is called crystalline, because the energy comes from crystals located inside the Earth; these crystals in turn take additional energy from the large crystal at the core of the Mother Earth which is the ” Central Sun” of the Earth.
This network gives and receives energies with all the “kingdoms” Organic and Inorganic.
These main Nodals or Points are located in Giza, Nepal, Hawaii, Mexico City, Venezuela, Peru, Mount Olympus, Persian Gulf, Japan, and Australia and in the Atlantic Ocean. Many of the ancient temples and monuments are built in around nodal points.
The crystalline grids are key elements of the ”Sacred Geometry”.
source: atlantis centre
more crystalline grid info following National Science Foundation article
This article, posted on the Astrobiology Magazine website is a press release of the discovery that expanding veins of quartz are behind the changes occuring on the planet.
Quartz is Key to Continent Shifts
Source: National Science Foundation press release

Summary: A new study shows that quartz plays a key role in initiating the chain events that cause Earth's surface to crack, wrinkle, fold and stretch. The findings could help geologists understand the movements of tectonic plates and their effects on the environment of Earth.

Quartz may play a major role in the movements of continents, known as plate tectonics. Credit: USGS
More than 40 years ago, pioneering tectonic geophysicist J. Tuzo Wilson published a paper in the journal Nature describing how ocean basins opened and closed along North America's eastern seaboard.
His observations, dubbed "The Wilson Tectonic Cycle," suggested the process occurred many times during Earth's long history, most recently causing the giant supercontinent Pangaea to split into today's seven continents.
Wilson's ideas were central to the so-called Plate Tectonic Revolution, the foundation of contemporary theories for processes underlying mountain-building and earthquakes.
Since his 1967 paper, additional studies have confirmed that large-scale deformation of continents repeatedly occurs in some regions but not others, though the reasons why remain poorly understood.
Now, new findings by Utah State University geophysicist Tony Lowry and colleague Marta Pérez-Gussinyé of Royal Holloway, University of London, shed surprising light on these restless rock cycles.
"It all begins with quartz," says Lowry, who published results of the team's recent study in the March 17 issue of Nature.
The scientists describe a new approach to measuring properties of the deep crust.
It reveals quartz's key role in initiating the churning chain of events that cause Earth's surface to crack, wrinkle, fold and stretch into mountains, plains and valleys.
"If you've ever traveled westward from the Midwest's Great Plains toward the Rocky Mountains, you may have wondered why the flat plains suddenly rise into steep peaks at a particular spot," Lowry says.

Plate tectonics revolutionized understanding of earthquake distributions (in red). Credit: Tony Lowry, Utah State University
"It turns out that the crust beneath the plains has almost no quartz in it, whereas the Rockies are very quartz-rich."
He thinks that those belts of quartz could be the catalyst that sets the mountain-building rock cycle in motion.
"Earthquakes, mountain-building and other expressions of continental tectonics depend on how rocks flow in response to stress," says Lowry.
"We know that tectonics is a response to the effects of gravity, but we know less about rock flow properties and how they change from one location to another."
Wilson's theories provide an important clue, Lowry says, as scientists have long observed that mountain belts and rift zones have formed again and again at the same locations over long periods of time.
But why?
"Over the last few decades, we've learned that high temperatures, water and abundant quartz are all critical factors in making rocks flow more easily," Lowry says. "Until now, we haven't had the tools to measure these factors and answer long-standing questions."
Since 2002, the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Earthscope Transportable Array of seismic stations across the western United States has provided remote sensing data about the continent's rock properties.
"We've combined Earthscope data with other geophysical measurements of gravity and surface heat flow in an entirely new way, one that allows us to separate the effects of temperature, water and quartz in the crust," Lowry says.
Earthscope measurements enabled the team to estimate the thickness, along with the seismic velocity ratio, of continental crust in the American West.
"This intriguing study provides new insights into the processes driving large-scale continental deformation and dynamics," says Greg Anderson, NSF program director for EarthScope. "These are key to understanding the assembly and evolution of continents."

New measurements of quartz abundance from EarthScope data show that mountains are quartz-rich (red-orange colors). The Great Plains, Columbia Basin and Great Valley have little or no quartz (blue-green colors). Credit: Lowry & Perez-Gussinye
Seismic velocity describes how quickly sound waves and shear waves travel through rock, offering clues to its temperature and composition.
"Seismic velocities are sensitive to both temperature and rock type," Lowry says.
"But if the velocities are combined as a ratio, the temperature dependence drops out. We found that the velocity ratio was especially sensitive to quartz abundance."
Even after separating out the effects of temperature, the scientists found that a low seismic velocity ratio, indicating weak, quartz-rich crust, systematically occurred in the same place as high lower-crustal temperatures modeled independently from surface heat flow.
"That was a surprise," he says. "We think this indicates a feedback cycle, where quartz starts the ball rolling."
If temperature and water are the same, Lowry says, rock flow will focus where the quartz is located because that's the only weak link.
Once the flow starts, the movement of rock carries heat with it and that efficient movement of heat raises temperature, resulting in weakening of crust.
"Rock, when it warms up, is forced to release water that's otherwise chemically bound in crystals," he says.
Water further weakens the crust, which increasingly focuses the deformation in a specific area.
Plate tectonics play an important role in the cycling of elements essential for life on Earth, such as Nitrogen and Carbon.
Channeled Information regarding the activation of Earth's Crystalline Grid has been forthcoming in greater detail as the years between 1987 and 2011 have passed. Crystal Skulls and Earthkeeper crystals have been revealing themselves, and Archangel Metatron has given us specific details through Tyberron at earth-keeper.com:
There is not one, but three grid templates surrounding our planet effecting human life. The three are separate, yet intricately related. The grids have separate functions relating individually to: (1) planetary gravitational field, (2) telluric electromagnetics, and (3) light consciousness. Any change or alteration to one, effects the others, in a proportional mathmatical ratio. The ascension grid is anchored into the earth with two axis points. Tremendous energy lines flow outward from the northern axis point and reeneter at the southern. These energetic lines are directly connected to every sacred sites of Gaia. There are thousands.
The grids reflect and to an extent regulate, parameters of the consciousness of both Gaia and spirit. The Gravity gridand Electromagnetic grid have been adjusted on several occasions since mans establishment on the earth plane 200,000 years ago. The light-consciousness grid has evolved with mans increased awareness.

Platonic Solids Geometry
Since our planets birth, the grid work around the earth has consisted of a sacred geometry matrix of one of the five Platonic solids. Plato believed that the earth's basic structure was in the process of evolving from simple geometric shapes into more complex ones. In order of complexity the five patterns theorized by Plato to be the building blocks of crystalline matrix, are the tetrahedron (4 faces), hexahedron (6 faces), octahedron (8 faces), dodecahedron (12 faces) and icosahedron (20 faces). Plato further theorized that the earth was evolving into an icosahedron grid.
Academics, including Dr Ivan Sanderson, Dr Hagens and Dr Becker, diagramed this shape in the 70's by connecting major electromagnetic fields on the map. The points formed a triangular pattern of pentagons…. an icosahedron. The icosahedron was in fact, the geometry of the planetary light grid for the past millenia, prior to the Harmonic Convergence. The 1987 Harmonic Convergence was a measurement of Earths vibratory level, a test. The Earth revealed a far greater measurement of 'light' than ever before. For the first time since the 'great fall', the planet carried more 'light' than 'dark'. As a result all three grids required 'upgrading'. The magnetic grid was adjusted to lessen the 'veil' separating humans from their duality. The telluric grid was adjusted to enable a greater vibratory rate at sacred sites. The light or ascension grid took on a new, higher geometric model, capable of regulating a far more sophistocated light code than the old iscosahedron.

As Joseph Jochmans writes in Earth: A Crystal Planet, "Beyond the Platonic series of Solids is another form being geometrically generated out of the old Icosa-Dodeca crystal. If you take an Icosahedron and join together with lines every other point inside the form, you create twelve pentacles or five-pointed stars. If you extend the outer edges of the Icosahedron and join these node points together, you create a second group of twelve pentacles or stars. This becomes the seed crystal that gives birth to a new crystalline form called a double penta- dodecahedron, composed of twelve double-pentacles equally spaced across the surface of the globe." The icosahedron is now being replaced by an ascension 'light'grid. A'seed-crystal' matrix, the double penta-docecahedron, is born. The evolved geometry is divinely fashioned to resonate a higher frequency for the new Earth.
Mainstream researchers are in fact noting that the node points and grid alignments earlier attributed to the Becker-Hagens grid map, no longer fit. Weather patterns are changing, climates are in major flux and migration routes of birds are altered. Whales and dolphins are beaching themselves far more often over the past 14 years since the harmonic convergence. The earth's geomagnetic field is changing, and changing fast. This all validates a change in the grid system and the work of the Kryon. The new ascension grid is increasing in frequency as the magnetic grid is lessened. The old crystal grid is fading, and a new crystal matrix is forming.
The above excerpt was taken from earth-keeper. in Febuary of 2009. More information can be found here: The Ascension & the 144 Crystal Grid (earth-keeper.com 2007)
More recent grid activation information can be found in the article Whats Really Going on in Arkansas?,
A google search yields crystalline grid information from a variety of sources.
majestic-quartz.com -Maori family in New Zealand who are the
Kaitiaki (guardians) of the Earth Keepers in their care-'Harmony" and "Mother".
spiritmythos.org, crystalline matrix
childrenofthesun.org-Planetary Grid Project
The Christ Grid-By Ronald L. Holt Director of Flower of Life Research
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