This Higher Mind~~this interdimensional aspect of your consciousness~~

~~is a potential source of immense inspiration, wisdom, insight & creativity.
The Crystal Palace Within refers to the pineal gland because part of its structure is crystalline in nature. These small calcite crystals have piezoelectric properties that
can respond to the higher realms of light. By activating these crystalline potentials
within your pineal gland you open a portal to your Higher Mind, which can bring to you,
and humanity, an influx of creativity, insight & solutions to personal & collective problems.
The energetic for this world meditation will begin at 12:01 pm, Pacific Daylight Savings Time on October 31st 2010, and will continue unabated until 12:01 noon the following day, Monday, November 1st 2010.
At 3 pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time, the group gathered at the event in Seattle, Washington will enter into an hour-long meditation,
as described in our previous planetary message The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti.
We request that you review this message so that you understand the sequence of this meditation.
During the one-hour gathering—in which you are invited to participate energetically, if you so choose—we will go through the meditation three times, which will take about 45 minutes.
This will be a powerful energetic.
If you choose to participate during this hour-long period, we strongly suggest that you spend fifteen minutes resting in silence after you have gone through the meditation three times.
Depending upon your level of evolution and conscious awareness,
you may find yourself transported to multiple realms of consciousness simultaneously,
and it may take some time for you to re-orient yourself back to three-dimensional time and space.
They have always said that transformation of the collective
...will occur through transformation of individuals.
...will occur through transformation of individuals.
During this meditation, you be joining with thousands upon thousands of others who are part of a world sangha (spiritual community).
We come from many different countries, and diversity is probably one our hallmarks.
Many of us speak different languages, and differ in our philosophies, religions and spiritual paths. And most of us will never meet in person.
But all of us who join this meditation will enter the Great Mystery where our hearts and minds will be unified together for a singular creative act—the elevation of all life.

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